Every program and organization is different, and your program may have different components or levels of customization that make this pricing different for you.
Here is a quick rule of thumb for our programming (like Limitless Leadership and Public Sector Back To School):
Up to 10 participants ~$499 pp
Up to 20 participants ~$399 pp
Up to 50 participants ~$299 pp
100+ participants ~$199pp
All of our programs include:
- Needs Assesssment
- Design and development or customization as required
- 5x 90-minute Virtual Instrutor Led Delivery (think Conversations not Slide Decks)
- 5x Audio Training (via Podcast or Clubhouse)
- Text Message Micro-Learning (Slack, Teams, or Messenger also available)
- Online Habit Building Tool
- Evaluations, Data, and reports for all progams
- A final report and reccomendations for future learning