Process Improvement Soliloquy

Now whether it be
Bestial oblivion, or some craven scruple
Of thinking too precisely on th’ event—
A thought which, quarter’d, hath but one part wisdom
And ever three parts coward—I do not know
Why yet I live to say this thing’s to do,
Sith I have cause, and will, and strength, and means
To do’t.

Hamlet Act 4, scene 4, 39–46

We work with a lot of clients who are brilliant and amazing at their areas of expertise, but sometimes thinking too much keeps them from taking action and seeing success.

Have you ever wanted to have a tough conversation with an employee but over thought it and never made it happen? Do you want to implement something and keep stumbling over the “what if’s?” and possibilities of failure? Have you wanted to write an article or start a business but get caught up in logistics or everything being perfect?

What’s Hamlet got to do with it?

Hamlet pondered that he thought too precisely of his revenge, but never took action. “Thinking” in general, lingering over implications, risk, fears, possible outcomes – to the point where opportunities are missed.

Everything doesn’t have to be perfect to take action. Look at the real implications of taking a calculated risk, and if it makes sense, just get started. (Click to Tweet.)

So how can you take action….keep reading for 3 simple tips!

Accountability Rules

How can someone who gets lost in their head worrying about what the outcomes could be, actually take action? Easy: Write it! Tell it! Risk it!

1. Write it! Write down your objectives. People who write down their goals are more likely to achieve them. Write down what it is and when you intend to accomplish it.

2. Tell it! Be accountable to someone. Tell someone you respect and trust what your objectives are and when you want them achieved. Make sure the person you choose will actually call you on it.

3. Risk it! Don’t be (too) afraid of nominal risk or failure. What is the worst that can happen? And does the worst really have great impact?

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Until next week,

Tweets by @WhiteboardCons
